Arrived in perfect condition and worked flawlessly! It will be a lot cheaper and the box is light enough to carry around while I use it. This thing is totally AWESOME! They are of course very small in diameter, but the same length as the other rods. Not so convenient if you are welding up a table or frame.
Miller Electric 238272 Features & Specs
Sold on Amazon
Welder Dimensions: 6 x 1 x 1 inches
Editor's Impressions Of The Miller Electric 238272
Weld Strength
Weld Penetration
Value For Money
Build Quality
Feature Set
Miller Electric 238272 Final Thoughts
"Worth the price on one job."
Arrived in perfect condition and worked flawlessly! Working in our shop perfectly, completely satisfied. He constantly spills oil on it. The portability is outstanding. Very easy to find proper welding temp.